Buy Tri-colour Ecuadorian Shrooms Online


History of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms have a long history in South America. Ecuador is no exception, and tribes in the area used P. cubensis for healing and spiritual purposes.

That makes sense once you know that magic mushrooms grow everywhere in Ecuador. We mean everywhere because of the unique location that Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms come from.

Legend has it that someone found Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms at high altitude. An unknown but brave mycologist was wandering the incredible peaks of the Andes mountains.

At an elevation of at least 1,100 meters, he (or she) discovered a beautiful strain of Psilocybe cubensis. They didn’t know it yet, but this incredible strain would become the world-renowned Tri-Color Ecuadorian.

The Appearance of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms

Despite its name, Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms aren’t three-colored. However, they are nearly picture-perfect psilocybin mushrooms.

The mushrooms themselves have medium-sized stalks and wide flat caps. The caps can sometimes take on a wavy look.

Usually, Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms have an eye-catching golden hue to them. Once dried, the shrooms can take on a bit of a faded appearance.

One thing you might notice on your dried mushies is blue spots. These blue spots are known as bruises, and they’re totally normal.

They happen to all magic mushrooms and occur after harvest, transportation, and storage. There’s no need to worry, though, because bruises are safe and don’t affect potency.

Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushroom Effects

The most notable effect of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms is their incredible euphoria. You’ll feel a boundless joy deep within you as the mushrooms take hold. Tri-Colour Ecuadorian shrooms can also be very relaxing and visual. A sense of wellness will spread to every part of your body as colors splash across your vision.

Taking Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms Recreationally

Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms are perfect for a recreational experience. The euphoric effect of these shrooms will nearly guarantee a great time.

You’ll find it hard to stop grinning ear to ear as you and those around you laugh for hours. If you’re out in nature, you’ll be in complete awe of your surroundings.

Finally, you’ll settle into a relaxed and dreamy state where all worries wash away.

However, the best recreational experiences need some planning. Remember to dose carefully and bring enough food, water, and good vibes.

A psilocybin trip can last up to six hours, so be prepared to stay wherever you are. Never drive a vehicle under the influence of magic mushrooms.

Taking Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms Spiritually

Having a spiritual experience from psilocybin mushrooms is an experience like no other. One incredible journey can help people find purpose, spirituality, and mental healing.

The ancient Ecuadorians were well aware of psilocybin’s potential. Now, we can use the same tools to experience an enlightening journey within.

There’s no better strain for this journey than with Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms.

However, to get a genuine mystical experience takes some planning. Unlike a recreational experience, a spiritual one must be set up correctly.

This planning boils down to a well-known concept called set and setting. The set is your mindset, and the setting is the physical environment.

Both the set and setting need to be in-tune to have a spiritual magic mushroom journey. First, the setting should be relaxing, familiar, and free from people.

A little bit of music can go a long way and can help stimulate your experience.

Your mindset (or set) should be as clear as possible. Although that might be too much to ask, you can at least clear some headspace.

Meaning you should take care of your obligations and tasks. It’s also a good idea to take a few days off from work so you can have your mind as relaxed as possible.

Once these preparations are complete, you’re ready for a large dose of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms.

How to Dose Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms

Dosing is crucial because it helps you have the best experience possible. A dose that’s good for a spiritual trip is probably not great for a recreational one.

That’s why you should try to learn your dose. Having your dose dialed in will make sure that you have a great experience every time.

The only way to do that is by taking magic mushrooms. Here’s a general guideline for dosing Psilocybin cubensis:


  • .25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
  • .25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
  • 1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
  • 5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
  • 5g+ for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)


If you’re a beginner, then we recommend starting at one gram and working your way up. Experienced trippers can take Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms at their usual dosage.

How to Take Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushrooms

Taking magic mushrooms is easy; all you need to do is weigh out your dose and kick them back. You may find that the dryness and texture of dried magic mushrooms are unpleasant.

On top of that, dried magic mushrooms can sometimes cause an upset stomach. That’s why many people make shroom tea.

Making shroom tea can be accomplished in a few easy steps:

  1. Grind or chop your weighed out dose of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms
  2. Put the ground dose into a cup, and pour boiling water over it
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes
  4. Strain out the mushroom pieces (or leave them)
  5. Bottoms up!

Reach the Highest Heights

Here at Shroom Bros, we have the best magic mushrooms for sale online in Canada. Our Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms are proof of that.

If you’re ready to reach the highest heights, then pick up a pack of Tri-Colour Ecuadorian magic mushrooms today.


Shroom Dose Calculator


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A Car


I almost want to give them a bad review so less people will shop their sales. But the truth is, they can’t be topped. Trust me, I’ve looked. And the Customer service is 10/10! I honestly couldn’t say enough good to give them & their product Justice.

Chris Sagurski


Ordered for the first time recently, took 2 days to come in the mail in winnipeg. Super fast! Havent tried the mushrooms yet, but they look amazing!!! Would absolutely recommend! They even provide tracking info through Canada post so you know your package is on the way.

Bobby Rai


Absolutely awesome service. Highly recommended



Thank you! I felt like I blinked and they were at my door! 😂

Based on 76 reviews.
Tri-Colour Ecuadorian Magic Mushroom

Reviews (58)

  • caitlyn.mackay (verified owner)

    if you suffer from anxiety/depression, i highly recommend these. I was able to follow my thoughts exactly and understand why they lead me to anxiousness over certain situations. I finally felt in control. Even after the high i was left with a lasting serotonin boost that made me appreciate my life and everything around me as if it were new

  • Braxton Baksza (verified owner)

    These things were crazy, took about 3.5 grams, 2 in tea and ate another 1.5 with some fruit. Within an hour i was having crazy visuals the hardwood looked like it was melting. If your looking for a powerful and lasting trip these are the shrooms for you.

  • Andrew MacIsaac (verified owner)

    Take 5gs mix with some and talk to the God’s! Very potent the only way to do them is to cross over and these will get you there.

  • James Caldwell (verified owner)

    These mushrooms are great! I sampled under a gram just hanging with my family and had fun. Excited to try a full dose! Shroom Bros have great quality and selection. Tempted to grab some APE

  • Ashleigh Lewis (verified owner)

    These are the most intense shrooms I have ever taken. I ALWAYS take 3.5 grams, and that is what I ordered, but looking at other reviews, perhaps they gave me more??? Anyhow, I strongly recommend starting with a lower dose with these. It was too much for me for an hour or two. The visuals were intense and I had quite a belly ache (I honestly thought I was going to die for a bit since I obviously took way too much). After it settled down, it was great. Honestly, even when it was intense, there were some amazing moments. I have just never had that intense an experience and took it in a tea for the first time ever (that could have contributed to the intensity). I will definitely order my next batch from here and will be more careful to not overdo it next time. AMAZING PRODUCT!!!

  • Colin Campbell (verified owner)

    Absolutely insane. New timers be very careful- caution: start small- off just 1.5grams I experienced both heaven and hell. Demons tried to take over my mind in the beginning after locking myself in my room and then later I was in a heavenly euphoric state consciously talking with God. He led me to a locked door that I truly believed my dead ancestors were behind to greet me in a loving reunion. I banged on the door only to find out my buddy was in the middle of getting it on with his girl while I was telling my aunt “I’m ready” (as in to see her/them again) hahaha crazy stuff. I cock blocked them and they cock blocked me from seeing my dead loved ones so I guess we’re even.

    I also remember my legs melting into the couch in the beginning and later seen cool golden geometric shapes rotating clockwise on the floor.

    Shroom bros is awesome. They always add extra in the bags from my experiences- usually 1-2.5 grams. Well this stuff I bought a 14 g bag and only 4.2 came (I think they accidentally grabbed a 3.5 bag) anyways the bros fixed it & sent me a new 14.9g tri bag no hassle and I received it within days- excellent customer service!!!!!!!

  • Arjunsarn03 (verified owner)

    It will give you what you are looking for ✌

  • Leyla Ahmadova (verified owner)

    If you are here reading this comment, I just want you to know that you have to be very careful with it. The first hour or so I had suicidal thoughts and was feeling trapped in my body. However, later I had this amazing realization about my reality and everything made sense all of a sudden. Just remember everything happens for the reason. If you are here and researching about psychedelics it means that you have to go through this experience. To adjust your life afterward depends on you.

  • Smasherton (verified owner)

    This company and this product in particular are well deserving of amazed praise. I’m usually a high-dose partaker and the Tri-colours gave me the most erotic, energetic, amazing, free, and fun trip I’ve ever had. There is never a problem with low weights from this company, either. Shipping must have an “add more for good measure” instruction. The tri-colours, on the come up, had me convinced I had taken something else, like D. And then the wow. My lady friend and I had such a wild party and we both swear we journeyed together during the peak. Amazing sex every time and usually mushrooms don’t even work like that for me.

  • WillieBeeman (verified owner)

    Beautiful! For those that meditate a lot, mushrooms are so intuitive as ‘’bad trip’’ are actually the product of Resistance to the flow of the medicine… Since meditation is about the practice of allowing and letting it go, it’s really easy to flow with the energy!

    Wondrous insight and inner journey: went for 5g Lemon Tek, no nausea at all since you removed the mushroom and just drink the lemon infused psilocybin, it’s just perfect! At this dose you are bridging many levels of realities and consciousness!

    Wonderful teacher, so much love, euphoria and expansion! All my love to this wonderful company and community

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