Voyage de Champignons Magiques Sécuritaire et Amusant : Tout ce que Vous Devez Savoir

Les voyages avec des champignons, facilités par la consommation de champignons psilocybine, offrent une expérience unique et profonde. Pour beaucoup, ce voyage peut mener à des aperçus personnels, une connexion profonde avec la nature et même des éveils spirituels. Cependant, pour garantir une expérience positive, il est crucial d’aborder un voyage avec des champignons avec une préparation minutieuse, une intention claire et une compréhension des risques potentiels et comment les atténuer. Ce guide vise à fournir des conseils complets sur la façon de passer un voyage de champignons amusant et sécuritaire.

Comprendre les champignons à psilocybine

Les champignons à psilocybine, communément appelés champignons magiques, contiennent les composés psychoactifs psilocybine et psilocine. Ces composés interagissent avec les récepteurs de la sérotonine dans le cerveau, entraînant des perceptions altérées, des expériences sensorielles améliorées et des changements dans les schémas de pensée. Les effets peuvent varier largement en fonction du dosage, de la physiologie individuelle, de l’état d’esprit et de l’environnement.

Les champignons à psilocybine ont été utilisés pendant des siècles dans diverses cultures pour leurs propriétés psychoactives. Les peuples indigènes d’Amérique centrale et d’Amérique du Sud, comme les Mazatèques et les Mixtecs, ont utilisé ces champignons dans des cérémonies spirituelles et religieuses. Comprendre le contexte historique et culturel des champignons à psilocybine peut ajouter une couche de respect et d’appréciation pour leur utilisation.

Préparation : Créer les conditions pour une expérience positive

1. État d’esprit et environnement

Le concept d’“état d’esprit et environnement” est crucial lorsqu’il s’agit d’expériences psychédéliques. “État d’esprit” se réfère à votre état mental avant le voyage, tandis que “environnement” fait référence à l’environnement physique et social.

  • État d’esprit: Assurez-vous d’être dans un état d’esprit positif et calme. Si vous traversez un stress important, de l’anxiété ou une tourmente émotionnelle, il pourrait être préférable d’attendre jusqu’à ce que vous vous sentiez plus équilibré. Des pratiques comme la méditation, le journal intime ou parler avec un ami de confiance peuvent vous aider à vous préparer mentalement.
  • Environnement: Choisissez un environnement sûr, confortable et familier. Cela pourrait être votre maison, la maison d’un ami ou un lieu extérieur paisible. Assurez-vous que l’environnement est exempt de dangers potentiels et de distractions. Préparez votre espace avec des sièges confortables, des couvertures et tout ce qui vous apporte confort ou joie, comme des fournitures artistiques ou des instruments de musique.

2. Intentions

Définir une intention pour votre voyage peut fournir une direction et un objectif. Que vous recherchiez un aperçu personnel, de la créativité, de la guérison ou simplement une nouvelle perspective, avoir une intention claire peut façonner la nature de votre expérience. Cependant, il est également important de rester ouvert à tout ce qui se présente pendant le voyage.

Une intention n’est pas la même chose qu’une attente. Une intention pourrait être quelque chose comme, “J’espère obtenir un aperçu de mes relations,” ou “Je veux me connecter plus profondément avec la nature.” Garder votre intention à l’esprit peut guider vos pensées et vos actions pendant le voyage, vous aidant à naviguer les moments difficiles et à apprécier les moments positifs.

3. Recherche et dosage

Comprendre les différents types de champignons à psilocybine et leur puissance est essentiel. Le dosage est l’un des facteurs les plus critiques pour déterminer la nature de votre voyage.

  • Microdose (0,1-0,5 grammes): Effets subtils, créativité améliorée et humeur.
  • Faible dose (1-2 grammes): Hallucinations légères, changements de perception.
  • Dose modérée (2-3,5 grammes): Visuels plus forts, altération significative des schémas de pensée.
  • Dose élevée (3,5-5 grammes): Expérience intense, aperçus profonds, potentiel de moments difficiles.

Commencez avec une dose plus faible, surtout si vous êtes nouveau dans les psychédéliques, pour évaluer votre sensibilité et votre réponse. Tenir un journal de vos expériences peut vous aider à suivre comment différentes doses vous affectent et guider vos futurs voyages.

Le voyage : Naviguer l’expérience

1. Ingestion

Il existe différentes façons de consommer les champignons à psilocybine :

  • Crus: Manger les champignons crus est la méthode la plus simple, bien que le goût puisse être désagréable pour certains.
  • Thé: Infuser des champignons dans un thé peut rendre l’ingestion plus facile et peut réduire les nausées. Ajouter du gingembre ou du citron peut améliorer le goût et réduire davantage les nausées.
  • Capsules: Les doses pré-mesurées sous forme de capsules offrent une option pratique et sans goût. Cette méthode permet un dosage précis et est discrète.

Expérimentez différentes méthodes pour trouver ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour vous. Certaines personnes préfèrent l’aspect rituel de la préparation du thé aux champignons, tandis que d’autres apprécient la simplicité des capsules.

2. Le début

Les effets des champignons à psilocybine commencent généralement entre 20 et 60 minutes après l’ingestion. Pendant cette période, vous pourriez ressentir un sentiment d’anticipation ou une légère anxiété. La respiration profonde, la méditation ou l’écoute de musique apaisante peuvent aider à atténuer tout inconfort initial.

Certaines personnes éprouvent une sensation de “montée” pendant le début, où les effets se construisent progressivement. Cela peut inclure des sensations physiques telles que des picotements ou de la chaleur, ainsi que des changements émotionnels. Embrassez ces sensations comme faisant partie du voyage et laissez-les se dérouler naturellement.

3. Le pic

L’expérience de pic survient généralement entre 1 et 3 heures après l’ingestion et peut durer de 3 à 6 heures. Cette phase est caractérisée par :

  • Visuels: Couleurs améliorées, motifs et possibles hallucinations. Les effets visuels courants incluent la vision de motifs géométriques, de fractales et de couleurs vives.
  • Changements émotionnels: Sentiments profonds de joie, d’émerveillement ou d’introspection. Vous pouvez ressentir une empathie accrue et un profond sentiment de connexion avec les autres et votre environnement.
  • Perception altérée du temps: Le temps peut sembler s’étirer ou se compresser. Cela peut rendre les minutes comme des heures et les heures comme des minutes.
  • Dissolution de l’ego: Un sentiment de fusion avec l’environnement ou de perte du sens de soi. Cette expérience peut être profondément spirituelle et transformative.

Pendant le pic, vous pouvez ressentir une gamme d’émotions et de sensations. Permettez-vous de suivre le flux de l’expérience et faites confiance à ce qui se présente comme faisant partie de votre voyage.

4. Activités pendant le voyage

S’engager dans certaines activités peut améliorer votre expérience :

  • Promenades dans la nature: Si vous êtes dans un environnement extérieur sûr, la nature peut fournir un cadre beau et ancrant pour votre voyage. Le monde naturel semble souvent plus vibrant et interconnecté sous l’influence de la psilocybine.
  • Art et créativité: Dessiner, peindre ou jouer de la musique peut être profondément gratifiant. Beaucoup de gens trouvent que leur créativité est améliorée et qu’ils peuvent s’exprimer plus librement.
  • Méditation et introspection: La réflexion silencieuse peut mener à des aperçus profonds. Les méditations guidées ou simplement s’asseoir en silence peuvent vous aider à vous connecter avec votre moi intérieur.
  • Musique: Créez une liste de lecture de musique apaisante ou stimulante pour accompagner votre voyage. La musique peut influencer profondément votre état émotionnel et améliorer l’expérience globale.

Envisagez de préparer une variété d’activités à l’avance, mais soyez également ouvert à suivre le flux et à faire ce qui vous semble juste à ce moment-là.

Considérations de sécurité

1. Compagnon de confiance

Avoir un accompagnateur sobre, surtout pour vos premières expériences, peut fournir une assurance et un soutien. Cette personne peut vous aider à traverser des moments difficiles et à garantir votre sécurité physique.

Un bon accompagnateur de voyage doit être quelqu’un en qui vous avez entièrement confiance et qui comprend la nature d’une expérience de psilocybine. Il doit rester calme et solidaire, offrant des conseils doux sans imposer son propre agenda.

2. Hydratation et nutrition

  • Restez hydraté: Buvez de l’eau régulièrement, mais évitez les quantités excessives. Siroter de l’eau tout au long du voyage peut prévenir la déshydratation.
  • Collations légères: Ayez des collations saines et faciles à digérer à disposition si vous avez faim. Des fruits frais, des noix et des crackers sont de bonnes options.

Évitez les aliments lourds ou gras avant et pendant le voyage, car ils peuvent causer des nausées. Manger un repas léger et sain quelques heures avant d’ingérer des champignons peut aider à stabiliser votre glycémie et à fournir une énergie soutenue.

3. Gestion des moments difficiles

Il n’est pas rare de rencontrer des moments difficiles ou inconfortables pendant un voyage. Voici quelques stratégies pour vous aider à naviguer ces expériences :

  • Respirez et restez calme: Des respirations profondes et lentes peuvent vous aider à vous ancrer. Vous concentrer sur votre respiration peut vous ramener au moment présent et réduire l’anxiété.
  • Changez d’environnement: Parfois, se déplacer dans une autre pièce ou sortir peut changer votre perspective. Un changement de décor peut aider à briser une boucle de pensée négative.
  • Écoutez de la musique: La musique apaisante peut apporter du confort et de la distraction. Choisissez de la musique qui est familière et apaisante, car cela peut créer un sentiment de sécurité.
  • Parlez-en: Si vous avez un accompagnateur de voyage, partager vos pensées et vos sentiments peut être utile. Verbaliser votre expérience peut la rendre plus gérable et moins écrasante.

Rappelez-vous que les moments difficiles sont temporaires et mènent souvent à des aperçus précieux. Faites confiance à votre force pour les traverser.

4. Évitez de mélanger les substances

Combiner des champignons à psilocybine avec d’autres substances, surtout l’alcool ou d’autres psychédéliques, peut augmenter le risque de réactions indésirables et compliquer l’expérience. Il est préférable d’expérimenter la psilocybine seule.

Si vous prenez des médicaments, surtout ceux qui affectent les niveaux de sérotonine, consultez un professionnel de la santé avant d’utiliser la psilocybine. Certains médicaments peuvent interagir négativement avec la psilocybine et augmenter le risque de syndrome sérotoninergique.

Intégration post-voyage

1. Réflexion

Prenez le temps de réfléchir à votre expérience. Le journal intime peut être un outil précieux pour capturer les aperçus, les émotions et les visions que vous avez rencontrés pendant votre voyage. Écrire vos pensées peu après l’expérience peut aider à solidifier et à intégrer ces aperçus dans votre vie quotidienne.

Envisagez de réfléchir à des questions telles que :

  • Qu’ai-je appris sur moi-même ?
  • Comment l’expérience s’est-elle alignée avec mes intentions ?
  • Quels aperçus ou perspectives ai-je gagnés ?
  • Comment puis-je intégrer ces aperçus dans ma vie quotidienne ?

Revenir sur vos entrées de journal dans les jours et les semaines suivant le voyage peut aider à renforcer les leçons et les aperçus que vous avez gagnés.

2. Discutez de votre expérience

Partager votre expérience avec des amis de confiance ou une communauté de soutien peut apporter davantage de clarté et de perspective. Parler de votre voyage peut vous aider à traiter et à intégrer ce que vous avez appris.

Recherchez des communautés, en ligne ou en personne, qui comprennent et respectent l’expérience psychédélique. Beaucoup de gens trouvent que se connecter avec d’autres qui ont eu des expériences similaires peut être incroyablement validant et soutenant.

3. Prendre soin de soi

Après un voyage de champignons, priorisez les soins personnels. Cela pourrait inclure :

  • Repos: Assurez-vous de bien dormir pour aider votre corps et votre esprit à récupérer. Une bonne nuit de sommeil peut aider à intégrer l’expérience et à restaurer vos niveaux d’énergie.
  • Hydratation et nutrition: Continuez à boire de l’eau et à manger des aliments nourrissants. Concentrez-vous sur des aliments entiers à base de plantes qui fournissent des vitamines et des minéraux essentiels.
  • Activités douces: Engagez-vous dans des activités apaisantes comme le yoga, la marche ou passer du temps dans la nature. Ces activités peuvent vous aider à vous ancrer et à faciliter le processus d’intégration.

Soyez gentil avec vous-même dans les jours suivant le voyage. Accordez-vous du temps pour traiter l’expérience et soyez patient avec les émotions ou les pensées persistantes.

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Bénéfices à long terme et considérations

1. Croissance personnelle

Beaucoup de gens trouvent que les champignons à psilocybine peuvent faciliter la croissance personnelle et la transformation. Les aperçus et les perspectives gagnés pendant un voyage peuvent entraîner des changements durables dans le comportement, les attitudes et le bien-être.

La croissance personnelle peut inclure :

  • Relations améliorées: Une plus grande empathie et compréhension peuvent améliorer vos connexions avec les autres.
  • Conscience de soi accrue: Obtenir des aperçus de vos pensées, émotions et comportements peut entraîner des changements positifs dans votre vie.
  • Connexion spirituelle renforcée: Beaucoup de gens rapportent un sens spirituel profond et une plus grande appréciation de la vie.

Envisagez d’incorporer des pratiques telles que la méditation, la pleine conscience et la réflexion régulière pour soutenir une croissance personnelle continue.

2. Inspiration créative

Les champignons à psilocybine sont connus pour améliorer la créativité et l’expression artistique. Beaucoup d’artistes, d’écrivains et de musiciens utilisent ces expériences comme source d’inspiration pour leur travail.

Les bénéfices créatifs peuvent inclure :

  • Augmentation du flux: Beaucoup de gens trouvent qu’ils peuvent entrer plus facilement dans un état de flux, où ils sont entièrement immergés dans leur travail créatif.
  • Nouvelles perspectives: Les perceptions et les schémas de pensée altérés peuvent mener à des idées innovantes et à des approches uniques.
  • Sensibilité accrue: Les expériences sensorielles améliorées peuvent inspirer de nouvelles façons de voir et d’interagir avec le monde.

Intégrer la créativité dans votre vie quotidienne peut vous aider à continuer à bénéficier des aperçus et de l’inspiration gagnés pendant votre voyage de champignons.

3. Amélioration de la santé mentale

Des recherches émergentes suggèrent que les champignons à psilocybine peuvent avoir des bénéfices thérapeutiques pour diverses conditions de santé mentale, y compris la dépression, l’anxiété et le PTSD. Bien que plus de recherches soient nécessaires, de nombreux individus rapportent des améliorations significatives de leur santé mentale après des expériences psychédéliques.

Les bénéfices potentiels pour la santé mentale incluent :

  • Réduction des symptômes de dépression: La psilocybine peut aider à briser les schémas de pensée négatifs et à fournir un sentiment de soulagement des symptômes dépressifs.
  • Diminution de l’anxiété: Beaucoup de gens rapportent un plus grand sentiment de paix et une réduction de l’anxiété après un voyage de champignons.
  • Traitement du PTSD: Certaines études suggèrent que la psilocybine peut aider les individus à traiter et à guérir des expériences traumatisantes.

Si vous envisagez d’utiliser des champignons à psilocybine à des fins thérapeutiques, il est essentiel de le faire sous la supervision d’un professionnel qualifié. La thérapie assistée par des psychédéliques est un domaine émergent qui offre des résultats prometteurs pour ceux qui recherchent un traitement de santé mentale.


Un voyage de champignons peut être une expérience profondément enrichissante, offrant des aperçus uniques, une libération émotionnelle et une connexion plus profonde avec le monde qui vous entoure. En abordant l’expérience avec respect, préparation et pleine conscience, vous pouvez maximiser le potentiel pour un voyage positif et transformateur.

N’oubliez pas de prioriser votre sécurité et votre bien-être tout au long du processus. Avec le bon état d’esprit, environnement et soutien, vous pouvez naviguer les vagues d’un voyage de champignons avec confiance et grâce, découvrant la beauté et l’émerveillement qui résident en vous.

Que vous recherchiez une croissance personnelle, une inspiration créative ou simplement une nouvelle perspective sur la vie, un voyage avec des champignons à psilocybine peut être un outil puissant pour l’exploration et la transformation. Embrassez le voyage avec un cœur et un esprit ouverts, et permettez-vous de vivre les dons profonds que ces champignons ont à offrir.

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20 Quick Tips to Boost your Creativity


In life, we are constantly being tested in different ways to see what our limits and capabilities truly are. Creativity is no different: it is a gift that not everyone possesses and the only way to strengthen this gift is through constant diligence and practice. All that being said, we all sometimes feel stuck – I know I do!

So, we’ve compiled a list of some of some simple things anyone can do to boost their creativity. If you’re looking for a way to get past your writer’s/artist’s/musician’s/whatever-you-like’s block, then this tip might help! So, here you have: 20 ways to boost your creativity!

The List

1) Practice every day – the only way to get better is by making mistakes, and there is no easier way than by practicing. It may not be perfect, but you will find out exactly where your weak spots are!

2) Listen to new types of music – explore the depths of different genres and see what moves you. If it doesn’t move you – don’t keep listening to it! It’s important to keep your mind fresh and new ideas flowing.

3) Keep a notebook on you at all times – there is nothing more frustrating than when you get an incredible idea, but then forget about it minutes later. Make sure that never happens again by keeping a small notebook with you wherever you go. You can even record audio – just be sure to back it up!

4) Be willing to fail – don’t be afraid of being wrong. In fact, if you never fail, you will NEVER get anywhere. Without failure, there is no success. Remember that and embrace it.

5) Take a break every now and then – creativity comes from the world around us and new ideas can come from anywhere.

6) Look at things differently – see the positive in every experience, even if it is extremely difficult to find. It is a good way to get out of a rut and provoke the creative juices going.

7) Go outside – being active in your daily life has a direct link to your creativity, as well as preventing you from becoming dreary and boring. There is no better way to get new inspiration than by coming in contact with different types of people and life styles.

8) Be social – it’s not about the quantity of friends you have, but rather the quality. It’s important to find people who will understand your creativity, who you can bounce ideas off of, and who will help you grow. This may take some time – but it’s well worth it!

9) Take a walk every now and then – again, creativity comes from the world around us. So occasionally disconnecting to let your mind absorb everything is an excellent way to come up with fantastic ideas and unique solutions.

10) Enjoy yourself – this one seems painfully obvious, but it’s lost on some people! Creativity is meant to be fun, not laborious. If you don’t enjoy the process of creation – you will never enjoy the end result.

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11) Try boosting your creativity with psilocybin microdose capsules – microdosing is an increasingly popular method many people are using to help get the creative juices flowing. You can read all about the history and benefits of microdosing including at our guide here. We here at Shroom Bros offer mail order magic mushroom microdose capsules shipped to anywhere in Canada!

12) Remember that ideas are everywhere – don’t just stop at the first idea you have. There are plenty more where that one came from, so stay positive and keep trying!

13) Be open to everything – let new ideas flow freely into your mind without hesitation. If you feel yourself closing off to an idea, simply push yourself to think about it for longer. It will become easier the more you try!

14) Remember that you are not always right – if someone else’s idea is better than yours, go with it. You can improve on it and make something even more amazing! Nothing will kill your creativity faster than thinking you are the best there ever was.

15) Get to know people – this one may be difficult for some people who are more introverted, but it is extremely important to get out there and meet new people. Most likely, they will be more than happy to share their ideas with you – after all, isn’t that what friends are for?

16) Be selfless – forget about yourself for once. Think about the needs of others and how your creativity could help them in some way. If you are at a loss for ideas, just ask someone close to you if they need any help – they may surprise you.

17) Have fun – sometimes the best ideas come when we least expect it. So don’t feel bad if something pops into your head while watching television or playing video games! It’s normal and it’s okay!

18) Stay true to yourself – while you should be open to other people’s ideas, you should never change your goals and dreams. Keep trying to achieve them through your creativity.

19) Surround yourself with the right people – the people in our lives have a major impact on who we are. Make sure you are surrounded by people who will support your creativity and talents, not tear them down.

20) Think outside the box – this is hands down the best way to boost your creativity, but it’s also the most difficult. Tearing down all of your old barriers can be an excruciatingly hard process, but it will push you to new

Psychedelic Stocks: A Primer for Canadians


So, for some reason, some of the questions that we receive a lot are related to investing in the psychedelic industry. Questions like:

Can I buy Shroom Bros stock?
What are the top psilocybin companies to watch?
What psilocybin stocks should I buy?
Can I invest in psychedelic companies?
What are the top shroom stocks?

That kind of thing. So, here’s the truth of it: we are not professional investors. We have no idea how to predict whether a stock will go up, down or sideways, and are in no way qualified to give anyone else investment advice. Nothing in this article should be looked at as an endorsement of any specific stocks.

However, we did want to try and help answer some of your questions. So, what we’ve done is scraped through Canadian public stock exchanges that are involved in the psychedelic wellness space. This list is not necessarily exhaustive – we may have missed one or two while compiling it, and new companies are popping up all the time!

We’ve then written small profiles on each of these companies, and arranged them alphabetically below with links to their websites, and convenient shorthand for their stock tickers, so if you’re interested in looking at how their stock is performing, you can easily look it up! (Just copy the part that says “CSE:AION” into your search engine, and it should pop right up.)


So, if you’re interested in dipping your feet into the psychedelic investment space, this is as good a place as any to start! So, here’s the list:

The List

Aion Therapeutic (CSE:AION)

In addition to its recent move into the psychedelics arena, Aion Therapeutic operates in the cannabis industry with a licensed production line in Canada.

As far as its psychedelics business goes, the company’s lead, Dr. Stephen D. Barnhill, has said Aion is pursuing novel formulations of various natural compounds, including psilocybin and fungi.


Algernon Pharmaceuticals (CSE:AGN,OTCQB:AGNPF)

Algernon Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company with Phase 2 clinical studies being conducted in the disease areas of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, chronic cough and COVID-19.

In early 2021, Algernon launched a clinical research program for stroke treatment focused on AP-188 (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT). DMT is a psychedelic compound that is part of the tryptamine family, which includes psilocybin and psilocin. The company plans to begin a clinical trial as soon as possible.



Originally a cannabis-focused company, Allied began shifting its focus to psilocybin in early 2021. Allied is fully integrated across the value chain, and brings a variety of psilocybin and cannabis formulations to the health and wellness market. The company’s products target the treatment of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


ATAI Life Sciences (NASDAQ:ATAI)

ATAI Life Sciences is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel drugs, including psychedelics, to treat various mental health diseases such as addiction, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. ATAI recently raised US$225 million in a NASDAQ initial public offering.


Awakn Life Sciences (NEO:AWKN,OTC Pink:AWKNF)

Bitoech company Awakn Life Sciences has clinical operations geared at researching, developing and delivering psychedelic medicine to treat addiction. It is the only company in the world providing evidence-backed ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for alcohol use addiction through its near-term ketamine for reduction of alcoholic relapse protocol.

The company recently announced its undertaking a clinical research program designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy against multiple addictions.


BetterLife Pharma (CSE:BETR,OTCQB:BETRF)

BetterLife Pharma is an emerging biotechnology company working to develop and commercialize psychedelic products for the treatment of mental disorders in Canada, the US, Australia and the European Union. The company is also developing drug-delivery platform technologies targeting virus infections, such as the coronavirus disease and human papillomavirus, as well as specific types of cancer.


Better Plant Sciences (CSE:PLNT,OTCQB:VEGGF)

This wellness firm has a substantial investment in the psychedelics market thanks to a majority ownership stake in NeonMind Biosciences, previously known as Flourish Mushroom Labs. According to its parent company, NeonMind will carry out clinical trials on the therapeutic effects of psilocybin.

NeonMind plans to eventually launch branded products such as mushroom-infused items designed to “support immune, cognitive, memory and other brain functions.”


Braxia Scientific (CSE:BRAX,OTC Pink:SHRMF)

Braxia Scientific is developing ketamine and psilocybin derivatives and other psychedelic products from its intellectual property (IP) development platform. Additionally, through its wholly owned subsidiary, the Canadian Rapid Treatment Center of Excellence, the company owns and operates multidisciplinary community-based clinics providing rapid-onset treatment for mental health disorders. These clinics are located in Mississauga, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal.

Braxia Scientific recently launched the Braxia Institute, a training center focused on advancing psychiatric clinical practices and health services, including ketamine and psychedelic treatment therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression and other mental health disorders.


Bright Minds Biosciences (CSE:DRUG,OTCQB:BMBIF)

Bright Minds Biosciences is a pre-clinical company developing a portfolio of next-generation serotonin agonists designed to treat neuropsychiatry disorders, epilepsy and pain. The company believes its drugs extenuate the therapeutic aspects of psychedelic and other serotonergic compounds while minimizing their side effects, creating superior drugs to first-generation compounds, such as psilocybin.

The company has applied for a listing on the NASDAQ.


Captiva Verde Wellness (CSE:PWR)

This cannabis and hemp company secured an entry point in the psychedelics space by forming a partnership with a Mexican company capable of distributing pharmaceutical and wellness products, including psychoactive and non-psychoactive drugs.


Clearmind Medicine (CSE:CMND)

This biotech company develops IP-protected novel psychedelic medicines aimed at addressing underserved mental health problems, including binge behavior and alcohol use disorder.

Clearmind Medicine has two groups of patents. The first, which relates to binge behavior regulators, has been granted in the US, Europe, China and India, with divisional applications pending in Europe and the US; the second, which relates to alcoholic beverage substitutes, has been approved for a European patent, with applications pending in the US, China and India.


Codebase Ventures (CSE:CODE,OTCQB:BKLLF)

Codebase Ventures is an investment firm offering investors a diverse portfolio of opportunities, including a direct stake in Red Light Holland, a publicly traded entity involved in the psychedelics market through its subsidiary Titan Shrooms & Psychedelics.



Focused on psilocybin research, COMPASS Pathways has quickly become the center of attention for psychedelics industry watchers. And thanks to a monumental public offering debut, it has attracted interested observers outside the psychedelics arena as well.

The company has been investigating the use of psychedelic compounds to treat depression. In 2018, COMPASS obtained a critical US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) breakthrough therapy designation.


Core One Labs (CSE:COOL,OTC Pink:CLABD)

Core One Labs is looking into the development of psychedelic medicines for a front-facing market.

Thin-film oral strips are one of the potentially novel delivery methods the firm will seek to employ. The company is looking to develop IP related to the psychedelic drug space.



Pharmaceutical company Creso Pharma develops and produces a wide variety of cannabis- and hemp-derived therapeutic, nutraceutical and lifestyle products. The company has worldwide rights for several proprietary drug-delivery technologies that enhance the bioavailability and absorption of cannabinoids.

The company recently waded into the psychedelics sector through the acquisition of Halucenex Life Sciences, and it has a definitive agreement with Red Light Holland to merge, creating the HighBrid Lab.


CURE Pharmaceutical Holding (OTCQB:CURR)

CURE Pharmaceutical Holding is the developer of CUREform, a patented drug-delivery platform that has led to a number of immediate- and controlled-release drug-delivery vehicles for a wide range of active ingredients designed to improve drug efficacy and safety.

The company has a 25,000 square foot manufacturing facility, and recently commenced development of a psychedelics-based pharmaceutical clinical pipeline to deliver a number of psychedelic compounds.



This life science company is pursuing the development of psychedelic drugs through detailed clinical trials meant to test the efficacy of its candidates.

After going public in Canada, Cybin has moved forward with acquisition deals to expand its market presence in the psychedelics space at large.



Delic Holdings provides information on the psychedelic wellness industry and investment. The company’s product offerings include a blog, podcast, e-commerce store and periodic events.


EGF Theramed Health (CSE:TMED,OTC Pink:EVAHF)

EGF Theramed Health is a medical technology company working on the development of its psychedelics presence. Recently, the company moved forward with a deal to integrate a “seedbank” company holding LSA, an alternative substance to LSD, and other compounds.


Ehave (OTC Pink:EHVVF)

This firm specializes in data solutions for the health space. Ehave is a digital therapeutics firm with a home delivery platform for patients prescribed with ketamine infusions.

Ehave has moved forward with digital solution opportunities for the development of the psychedelics industry, as detailed in a recent shareholder letter.


Empower Clinics (CSE:CBDT,OTC Pink:EPWCF)

This company operates as a healthcare firm involved in various aspects of medical care for patients through clinical and digital solutions.

Empower Clinics got access to the psychedelics space by way of a subsidiary launched to investigate the use of psilocybin for anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction.


Entheon Biomedical (CSE:ENBI,OTCQB:ENTBF)

Entheon Biomedical is a biotech company developing a portfolio of safe and effective psychedelic medicines to treat addiction and substance use disorders. The company’s subsidiary HaluGen Life Sciences has developed a psychedelics genetic test kit available for sale in Canada and the US.

The psychedelics genetic test kit analyzes a series of relevant DNA biomarkers along with pre-screening mental health surveys to provide insights into individuals’ risk and potential for adverse reactions with the use of hallucinogenic drugs.


Enveric Biosciences (NASDAQ:ENVB) 

Enveric Biosciences’ primary focus until fairly recently was developing novel cannabinoid medicines to improve quality of life for cancer patients adversely affected by the side effects of cancer treatments.

In May 2021, the company entered into a definitive agreement to acquire MagicMed Industries, which has been working to create a library of novel derivative psychedelic molecules such as psilocybin and DMT. The acquisition will enable Enveric to expand its portfolio to include psychedelic-derived molecules.


Field Trip Health (TSX:FTRP,NASDAQ:FTRP)

Field Trip Health is trying to encompass the entire new age psychedelics experience. Its primary business is the development of its clinic network across North America. The company opened its first ketamine clinic in Toronto while expanding into the US market via locations in New York and Los Angeles.

In addition to the clinics, Field Trip holds separate divisions, including one that is looking into the research aspect of psychedelic compounds. The company also launched an official app to accompany its treatments, offering patients activities like meditation techniques to go alongside psychedelics.


Filament Health (NEO:FH)

Filament Health is focused on developing natural psychedelic drug discovery and extraction technology to address the world’s mental health problems.

Filament plans to produce psychedelic extracts in-house at its facility in Metro Vancouver, and aims to commence the first ever FDA-approved natural psilocybin clinical trials in Q3 2021.



GH Research is developing novel and proprietary 5-MeO-DMT therapies for patients with treatment-resistant depression. The company’s portfolio includes GH001, a proprietary inhalable 5-MeO-DMT product candidate, and GH002, a proprietary injectable 5-MeO-DMT product candidate.

The clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company has completed a Phase 1 healthy volunteer clinical trial for its GH001 via inhalation product. GH001 is currently being investigated in the Phase 2 part of an ongoing Phase 1/2 clinical trial in patients with treatment-resistant depression.


Global Trac Solutions (OTC Pink:PSYC)

This digital media company has dedicated itself to the psychedelics space through its website Psychedelic Spotlight, where it showcases some of the most recent developments in the psychedelics industry.


Goodness Growth Holdings (CSE:GDNS,OTCQX:GDNSF)

Physician-led Goodness Growth Holdings’ operations primarily consist of its multi-state cannabis company subsidiary, Vireo Health, and its science and IP incubator, Resurgent Biosciences.

In June 2021, the company filed for a US patent to create an expansive suite of virtual reality applications that can be used by practitioners during psychedelics-based therapies.


Graph Blockchain (CSE:GBLC)

After embarking on a search for alternative business models that could incorporate and support its blockchain technology, Graph Blockchain determined it would acquire Shroom Street for C$1 million.

The purchase was done in an attempt to integrate product-tracking blockchain technology tools into the emerging psychedelics space.



Greenbrook TMS operates 129 treatment centers and is a leading provider of transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, an FDA-cleared, non-invasive therapy for the treatment of major depressive disorder and other mental health disorders.

In July, the company partnered with Cybin to establish Mental Health Centers of Excellence for the purpose of facilitating research and development of innovative psychedelic compound-based therapeutics for patients suffering from depression.


Havn Life Sciences (CSE:HAVN,OTC Pink:HAVLF)

Havn Life Sciences is a newcomer to the psychedelics industry, boasting an impressive lineup of advisors from the Canadian cannabis space. Among these is Vic Neufeld, who used to run Aphria (NASDAQ:APHA,TSX:APHA). Rick Brar, former CEO of Zenabis Global, is another ex-cannabis executive who is on the roster advising the company.

The company holds a Section 56 exemption from Health Canada, meaning it can research and develop psilocybin for scientific use. Havn sells itself to investors as a company investigating psychoactive compounds to develop natural health products.


Hollister Biosciences (CSE:HOLL,OTC Pink:HSTRF)

As a way to pursue exposure to the psychedelic arena, this cannabis player confirmed an acquisition deal worth C$1.2 million for AlphaMind Brands, which, according to the public company, will develop a “portfolio of certified legal mushroom-based natural health products.”

Carl Saling, founder and CEO of Hollister, has called the acquisition a promising opportunity that could complement its cannabis brand business.


KetamineOne Capital (NEO:MEDI,OTC Pink:KONEF)

KetamineOne Capital has a network of 16 mental health clinics across North America. KGK Science, the company’s contract research division, has a 23 year clinical research history and extensive experience in pharmaceuticals, cannabis and the emerging psychedelic medicine industries.

KGK recently applied to Health Canada for a controlled drugs and substances dealer’s licence under Canada’s Narcotic Control Regulations.


Levitee Labs (CSE:LVT,OTC Pink:LVTTF)

Levitee Labs describes itself as an emerging multidisciplinary integrative wellness company that is redefining mental healthcare through an approach that involves evidence-based alternative medicines and novel psychedelic therapies.

The company intends to be the world’s first psychedelic company with significant revenue and cash flow by the end of 2021.


Lobe Sciences (CSE:LOBE,OTC Pink:GTSIF)

This Vancouver-based company has a focus on the development of products and technologies in the emerging psychedelics industry based on high-end medical research.

Its current flagship preclinical study is a collaboration with the University of Miami. It is investigating the treatment of mild traumatic brain injuries/concussions with PTSD using psilocybin and N-Acetylcysteine.


M2Bio Sciences (OTC Pink:WUHN)

Through its wholly owned subsidiary MJ MedTech, nutraceutical biotech firm M2Bio Sciences is focused on plant-based cannabinoids and psilocybin medical research. The company is developing and commercializing a range of CBD and mushroom-based products under the Dr. AnnaRx, Medspresso, Liviana and Handcrafted Delights brands.

M2Bio Sciences’ research and clinical trials with psilocybin are aimed at developing novel therapies for patients who suffer from alcohol addiction, mental illness and cardiovascular diseases.



Mind Cure Health brings together a variety of medical expertise to pursue the advancement of psychedelics as an active mental health treatment option for patients.

As part of its business, the company wants to develop products with the ability to help enhance mental health and wellness. In addition to its research efforts, it offers a variety of consumer products based on organic mushroom nootropics.


Mind Medicine (MindMed) (NASDAQ:MNMD,NEO:MMED)

MindMed became the first psychedelics firm to make its public debut on Toronto’s NEO Exchange in 2020, earning the attention of investors as part of the new crop of psychedelics stocks to watch.

The company is investigating the use of its 18-MC psychedelic drug candidate as an aid for battling opioid dependency. MindMed’s most significant backers are former Canopy Growth (NYSE:CGC,TSX:WEED) CEO Bruce Linton and notorious Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank investor Kevin O’Leary.



This drug development company is pursuing the creation of next-generation “psilocybin-inspired” medicine for unmet medical needs from neurological and psychiatric disorders. Mindset Pharma wants to develop a library of psychedelics-related IP to tackle neuropsychiatric disorders.


Mydecine Innovations Group (OTC Pink:MYCOF,NEO:MYCO)

Formerly known as NewLeaf Brands, Mydecine Innovations Group is advancing new medicine methods, including natural health products. The previous entity acquired Colorado-based Mydecine Group for C$1.2 million. The fungi acquisition was led by Robert Roscow, who served as the director of research with Ebbu, a cannabinoid research company bought by Canadian giant Canopy Growth.

The company holds a portfolio dedicated to the development of its psychedelics business, with three ventures so far: Mydecine Health Sciences, Mindleap Health and NeuroPharm.


New Wave Holdings (CSE:SPOR,OTC Pink:TRMNF)

Investment firm New Wave Holdings offers shareholders an advanced strategy into three segments of the psychedelics space: a recreational product line, a passive cosmetic lineup and the possibility for further high-end medical research-grade items.

New Wave touts a production presence in Jamaica as the core of its psychedelics-based businesses.


NeonMind Biosciences (CSE:NEON,OTCQB:NMDBF)

NeonMind Biosciences is a company working with psychedelic compounds for the development of legal products. The company has set a target of treating obesity and related illnesses through its psychedelic products in a preclinical trial.


Nova Mentis Life Science (CSE:NOVA,OTCQB:NMLSF)

Formerly known as cannabis operator Liberty Leaf Holdings, this company is exploring the medical benefits of psilocybin. The psychedelics stock has taken steps to solidify its drug development program and holds two subsidiaries: NovaMentis Biotech and Pilz BioScience.


Novamind (CSE:NM,OTC Pink:NVMDF)

Novamind is focusing on ketamine-assisted psychotherapy through clinics available to patients. The company also plans to approach in-depth research on psychedelic compounds to find more applications that are practical for patient use.

The company has longtime cannabis executive Chuck Rifici, who co-founded Canopy Growth, as a member of its board of directors.



Numinus pitches itself to investors as a healthcare firm exploring the compelling new segments of available health treatments to patients. Thanks to specific licensing, the company is capable of operating in the cannabis and psychedelics industries.

Through its Numinus Wellness division, the public company can research the development of psychedelic therapies for treatments related to physical, mental and emotional health.


Nutritional High International (CSE:EAT,OTC Pink:SPLIF)

This primarily cannabis operation acquired an entry into the psychedelics business when it purchased an entity named Psychedelic Science.

The psychedelics division is researching psychedelic cacti strains in the treatment of weight loss, insomnia, anxiety and pain.


Pharmadrug (CSE:PHR)

Pharmadrug is an international medical company focused on its presence in the European market, thanks to an ownership stake in Pharmadrug GmbH, a German medical cannabis distributor.

The company has gained psychedelics exposure thanks to the key acquisition of Super Smart, a Netherlands-based retailer looking into the legal availability of magic mushrooms in the country.


PharmaTher Holdings (CSE:PHRM,OTCQB:PHRRF)

This company plans to focus on ketamine as its psychedelic drug of choice for research potential. PharmaTher wants to develop new treatments for Parkinson’s disease, depression and general pain.


PsyBio Therapeutics (TSXV:PSYB,OTCQB:PSYBF)

Through the global exclusive rights to a proprietary platform technology, PysBio Therapeutics is developing novel formulations of psychoactive medications produced naturally in fungi and plants for the treatment of mental health challenges and other disorders.

In July 2021, PsyBio added to its IP portfolio with the filing of a new patent application with the US Patent and Trademark Office for psilocybin and norbaeocystin compositions. PsyBio’s IP portfolio now includes five pending provisional patent applications and one pending non-provisional patent application.


Psyched Wellness (CSE:PSYC,OTCQB:PSYCF)

Psyched Wellness is a health supplements company looking to offer extracted natural oil products.

Besides its product offerings, the company is engaged in various research efforts to look at the medical uses of its products.


Psyence Group (CSE:PSYG)

Psyence Group jumped into the psychedelics listing rush and touts itself as a science-led company with a drug development program in place, including a psilocybin cultivation facility based in Lesotho.



Focused on the health and wellness markets, Optimi Health intends to cultivate, extract, process and distribute functional mushroom products at its two facilities nearing completion in British Columbia.

The company has received a research exemption under Health Canada’s Food and Drugs Act and Regulations for the use of psilocybin and psilocin for scientific purposes via its wholly owned subsidiary Optimi Labs. Optimi has also applied for a Health Canada dealer’s license.


Red Light Holland (CSE:TRIP)

This firm is focused on a business model of producing and distributing legally sanctioned recreational psilocybin truffles in the Netherlands. The public listing represents a business evolution for the firm as it pursues higher-stakes capital from the market, Chairman and CEO Todd Shapiro said in a statement.

This firm has financial backing from publicly traded investment firm Codebase Ventures.


Revive Therapeutics (CSE:RVV,OTCQB:RVVTF)

Revive Therapeutics bought its way into the promising psychedelic space thanks to a C$2.75 million acquisition agreement with Psilocin Pharma, which has successfully developed unique product formulations for the psilocybin agent.

In the wake of the acquisition deal being announced, Michael Frank, CEO of the public firm, said the deal would add to his company’s “clinical initiatives in liver disease and inflammation.”


Roadman Investments (TSXV:LITT)

In early 2020, this venture capital investment firm confirmed an entry into the psychedelics space with a joint venture alongside Psychedelic Insights.

The public firm committed to a US$500,000 injection to kickstart an operation agenda for the joint venture. The goal of this partnership is to create a line of clinics capable of offering guided therapies utilizing the much-promoted psilocybin.


Seelos Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SEEL)

This conventional biopharmaceutical company earned a spot on this psychedelics stocks list thanks to its validating research involving ketamine therapies.

In 2019, the company was awarded fast-track designation from the FDA for SLS-002, a therapy for acute suicidal ideation and behavior in patients with major depressive disorder.



This company is focused on the biopharmaceutical development process for psilocybin and other psychedelic compounds.

Silo Wellness has indicated it plans to follow an established drug development model, including the possibility of utilizing FDA designations meant to help the process for psychedelic drugs.


Tryp Therapeutics (CSE:TRYP,OTQQB:TRYPF)

This company is engaged in the medical investigation of psychedelic compounds for the treatment of rare diseases and conditions with unmet medical treatments.

Tryp Therapeutics is currently researching the use of psilocybin in the treatment of fibromyalgia through its TRP-8802 drug candidate, among other studies with psilocybin.


Wesana Health Holdings (CSE:WESA,OTCQB:WSNAF)

Wesana Health Holdings is developing evidence-based formulations and protocols, including psilocybin-based therapies for neurological, psychological and mental health ailments.

In addition to its extensive clinical research and academic partnerships, the company recently signed a definitive agreement to acquire Psychedelitech (PsyTech). Through the acquisition, Wesana will benefit from PsyTech’s clinical software-as-a-service platform Tovana Solutions, as well as Tovana Clinics, its integrated mental health practice network, and PsyTech Connect, the industry’s largest professional psychedelics practitioner community.

Well, that does it for the list! I hope it was helpful; it was a lot of work compiling this list, but fun researching all the companies! Did we miss any? Do you have any particular favourites from the list? Let us know! As always, your feedback means the world to us!

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